Wednesday, January 23, 2008

My little man turns TWO!

I still remember the evening I went into labor with Cameron like it was yesterday - how time flies! My little boy is now two. It's bitter sweet for me....I'm ecstatic he's growing up, but sad at the same time. Sometimes I just want to cradle him in my arms like he was an infant again! But then again, I love how he learns new things everyday. AHHHhhhh, parenthood for ya!

We celebrated Cami's actual birthday with my family. He loved his Thomas cake (thanks Di Quyen!). Here's the birthday boy...
Our family...and yes, Cami still puts everything except food into his mouth.
Cami and his daddy. I think Cami looks more and more like Joe everyday!
Cami celebrating with his cousins...

1 comment:

Kaosong said...

Awww...sorry we missed Cami's party. I hope you are all feeling better. I am tagging you so go to my blog for instructions.