Tuesday, November 6, 2007

An afternoon with Nathaniel

I spent a couple hours with Nathaniel and his parents on a warm Sunday afternoon. When I first arrived, he didn't know how to respond to me. He started with show-and-tell of his toys. As soon as he warmed up, he was ready for his photo shoot! Nathaniel has bright brown eyes, to-die-for dimples, and a smile that will melt your heart!
A sweet moment for Nathaniel and his mommy.
As we strolled the neighborhood, we found a pile of leaves for him to play in. He had a great time thowing it up in the air.
He got bored and moved on to the next big thing.

1 comment:

Kaosong said...

Awww...these are really cute! Nathaniel is so handsome. Love the cowboy hat!